If you are suffering from menopausal symptoms read on…
Believe or not, doctor prescribed treatment options, such as hormone therapy, can lead to some undesirable side-effects, such as fatigue, mood-swings and in a few documented cases an increased cancer risk. In these instances, natural-based solutions may be a better way to help alleviate symptoms.
It goes without saying that following a balanced healthy diet (rich in fruit and vegetables), while avoiding alcohol and caffeine will help. Coupled with regular exercise, these may help alleviate pesky symptoms.
Additionally, and this one may seem really obvious – drink lots of water. Stay hydrated.
Doctor Prescribed Treatments and Natural Supplements in capsule form.

Understanding Why Symptoms Occur
(Above) A reduction in Estrogen has a knock-on effect
What is the endocannabinoid system and does it help control hot flashes and night sweats?
Within our bodies, the human endocannabinoid system is responsible for numerous functions: from regulating our body temperature to mood/anxiety control and sleep patterns.
To add to this, recent research indicates that the endocannabinoid system also plays a significant role in helping regulate fertility and the reproductive system.
Inside our bodies, a naturally produced endocannbinoid – Anadamide* occurs at higher levels during ovulation. Essentially, higher levels of plasma containing Anadamide correlates to higher levels of estrogen.
A few studies have demonstrated that the body’s natural production of Anadamide may be directly linked with the hormone Estrogen. One study in particular was able to correlate an increase in cannabinoid receptors as well as plasma levels containing Anadamide, when Estrogen was administered.

Also known as N-arachidonoylethanolamine
*Anadamide is a naturally-occurring cannabinoid produced by the human body.
What does this tell us?
In reality, more research needs to be done. However, current data may suggest that when the levels of Estrogen go down, we need to find a way to increase the levels of endocannabinoids. That is to help prevent hot flashes and night sweats (amongst other things).
Data suggests that therapeutic solutions that contain cannabinoids, such as tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), may be successful in dealing with the vasomotor symptoms (e.g hot flashes, night sweats). As well as helping with other symptoms, such a good night’s sleep or regulating mood. Although, as ever, results vary and depend on each individual’s genetic make-up.
Because THC mimics the behavior of the endogenous cannabinoid Anadamide, it may offer Menopause suffers some welcome benefits. In any case CBDs/CBGs may also help regulate homeostatis, ensuring that vasomotor balance is restored.
Our goal is to share more scientific research on this topic as it becomes available.

Cannabinoids that may mimic natural endocannabinoids and/or interact with Cannabinoid receptors in the human body.