Cherry Wine


AROMA:  Berry | Wood | Floral. Notes of Cherries, Hops, Cloves, Rosemary and Fruit.


APPEARANCE: Amazing selection of predominantly purple and almost black on some sugar leaves. Wonderfully fluffy looking flowers that are green at the center.

GENETICS & HERITAGE: The Wife & Charlotte’s Cherries

PRIMARY TERPINES: Rich in farsene, limonene, myrcene, humulene, pinene, linalool, and beta-caryophyllene.

EFFECTS: Vary from person to person.  This may help provide relief from discomfort, stress and pain.

GROWING/HARVESTING NOTES: This specific cultivar also has a long flowering cycle.  The vegetative state lasted approx. 14 weeks, while the flowering cycle lasted around 9 weeks.

Resulting In:  A range of differing looking flowers, amazing leaf colors leaves,  trichome-rich. Super fragrant. Varying colors from plant to plant. Look at our pictures to see the differences!

DRY & CURE: All plants are hung-dried in optimal conditions. The flowers are then hand trimmed in the style of the ‘farmer’s cut’ i.e. our goal is to preserve the trichome crystals. We DO NOT use Machine trimming, as this can remove a large % of the trichome crystals and expose more flower, thereby releasing more terpenes prematurely.

All flowers are individually inspected. Flowers are then slow-cured using our own natural proprietary ‘Cure & Burp’ methodology. Flowers are maintained in the Cure & Burp phase and only packed when the order arrives.

PACKING: Flowers are hand-selected, inspected post-cure, weighed (we always add more flower to compensate for the farmer’s cut). They are only jarred-up when the order arrives. This ensures maximum potency of your flower.

COMPLIANCE: Federally compliant. Biomass Delta-9 THC levels ⩽0.3% Independently tested by 3rd-party NY State Department of Agriculture and Markets approved lab.


Cherry Wine

Classification: Sativa / Cannabidiol (CBD)

CBD:  Primary Cannabinoid

THC:   Farm Bill Compliant (less than 0.3%)


Download official NY compliance 3rd-party test results for Cherry Wine.

Note: Licensed Growers are required to submit a pre-harvest report at least 30 days before the anticipated harvest date. At that time, NY state certified Sampling Agents collect samples. These are then sent to NY State certified THC testing facilities.
The NY Department requires that all THC testing facilities hold a valid ISO 17025 certification issued by a third party to the standards developed by the International Organization for Standardization.

Therapeutic Benefits Without The “High”

Medical Studies: Studies are still in their infancy, although more and more human trials are uncovering a slew of therapeutic benefits.

Current medical studies show positive results in not only helping reduce inflammation but also neuropathic pain. If you’re having trouble sleeping, then CBDs may help encourage restful sleep; by tackling both stress and anxiety.

Furthermore an FDA-approved medicine containing CBD was authorized for treatment of epilepsy, namely Dravet syndrome and Lennox-Gastaut syndrome.

Not withstanding, as more studies are published we’ll share these with you.

Cherry Wine with Flavors

Lineage: The Wife & Charlotte’s Cherries

CBDs:  Primary Cannabinoid

THC levels: Produces a negligible amount of THC <0.03%

Produces lush green buds with red hairs

Yields desirable, unique hemp flowers

Made with love

Consuming CBD Flower means that you’re getting the benefits of these cannabis plants in their purist form. Flowers contain a range of Phytonutrients, including Cannabinoids and Terpenes. Together, these naturally occurring organic compounds exhibit something called ‘the Entourage Effect’. Put simply, to quote Aristotle “The whole is greater than the sum of the parts”. In conjunction together they exhibit a synergistic effect.

Terpenes are aromatic compounds found in different plants. Familiar terpene aromas are pine [pinene], lavender [linalool] and lemon [limonene]. While many terpenes create aroma and taste, they also protect the plants. Terpenes enable plants to recover from damage,  also supporting the plant’s immune system.

Terpenes are bioactive. Each terpene will have different effects on different people, but may play a role in energy levels as well as other benefits.

Some common terpenes are listed here:

Limonene – found in lemons, citrusy smell, antiviral, antioxidant.

Pinene – found in pine needles and rosemary, may act as a bronchodilator, and fight infectious germs if inhaled.

Linalool – found in lavender, calming effect, antimicrobial, anti-anxiety.

Myracene – found in hops, thyme, antioxidant.

Beta-Caryophyllene – found in cloves, black pepper, anti-inflammatory.

Humulene – found in hops, clove, ginger, may help reduce allergic reactions and asthma.

Let’s start with a really basic human-physiology lesson. (We’ll keep it simple and promise to discuss this more within our science section).

Many of you will have heard about the nervous system (fight-or-flight), the respiratory system (breathing), the cardio-vascular system (heart and blood-related stuff). Well here’s one system you may not of heard about – the Endocannabinoid system [ECS].

The ECS actually helps to regulate many of our bodily functions, such as temperature control, sleep, pain control, learning/memory, inflammatory responses and immune responses too.

Wow – you say, so many bodily controls – how did I not know about this?

The ECS is distributed around our body and also our brain through a network of receptors. (Receptors react to e.g. temperature and touch etc.). The receptors send messages that regulate and control different functions in our bodies.

There are two different cannabinoid receptors, namely CB1 and CB2. These particular receptors are stimulated by specific molecules produced naturally in our bodies. The molecules in question are called endocannabinoids, (similar to the cannabinoid molecules found in cannabis plants).

Just to be clear: Here’s the crazy part – floating around in our brain and the rest of our body, we all have cannabis-like molecules.

Imagine if you will, endocannabinoids are messengers, delivering information to the right place (receptors) at the right time.

If we take CBDs – how does this help reduce e.g. chronic pain? Simply put – it helps by reducing the endocannabinoid receptor activity. Less activity – helps reduce pain.

What about anxiety? The ECS recognizes stress-responses and helps slow these down. How? By releasing endocannabinoids, that reduce activity in parts of our brain. The amygdala (part of the brain involved with fear and threats) is slowed down, thereby reducing stress. Being similar to endocannabinoids, CBDs can help reduce the responses and activity in the amygdala – reducing stress.

Ultimately CBD’s may also help boost endocannabinoid signaling, improving the regulation of so many aspects within our body.

We can go on and on, but we think that this will help you understand basic endocannabinoid functioning and the potential benefits, if taken at the right dosage i.e. the minimum effective dose (MED)

Sadly, it is only more recently that CBDs and CBGs have become federally legal and as such, studies that show the efficacy and the potential reactions to these molecules are only now being researched and uncovered.

CBD/CBG flowers provide therapeutic benefits without the psychotropic effects i.e. minus the buzz/high that you’d get from THC.

THC is the main psychoactive component of the cannabis plant. Just to note, Cannabis flowers contain cannabinoids. Different varieties (cultivars) of cannabis contain different levels of cannabinoids. Cannabis known as ‘Hemp’ contains minimal levels of THC. Our ‘Hemp’ cannabis plants contain less than 0.3% THC, as determined by federal and state laws.

If smoked, the effects of the flower can be felt within 1-5 minutes. Typically consuming CBD/CBG orally can take much longer, anything from 30-120 minutes. It varies from person to person. Other factors include: if you’ve got a full or empty stomach, if you’re taking other medications, your body mass or weight etc.

This will depend again on a range of factors, from your age, body mass, weight, metabolism, the condition you wish to help treat etc…we always recommend consulting your physician before trying any cannabinoids, as they may interact with other pharmaceuticals. It is worthy of note, individuals who take certain blood thinners, heart rhythm medications, thyroid medications and seizure medications should exercise caution and most definitely consult their physician.

Always start by taking the minimum effective dose. As in, less is more, especially , if you’ve never tried cannabinoids before. A small dose may be considered as little as 5 to 20 mg. However, you can always increase or decrease the amount according to the reaction you may encounter.

When smoking CBDs/CBGs you’ll be able to assess the impact quite quickly. This will help you determine if one puff is all you need.

When you smoke or vape a flower you trigger a process known as ‘decarboxylation’. In simple terms – you are adding heat energy to convert the flower’s cannabinoids (and other plant components) into its active form. Alternatively, you may choose to ‘cook’ (not burn) the flower, in order to orally-consume it in its active form. This is preferable for those who do not wish or cannot smoke flowers. To note: if you choose to smoke a flower, there may be as much as 60% loss of cannabinoids. A vaporizer loss may equal approx. 46% of cannabinoids. The loss from cooking is significantly less.

There have been very few side effects detected e.g. you may experience fatigue, dry mouth, low blood pressure and changes in appetite.

In a 2018 report from the CDC, reactions to synthetic CBDs were noted. We don’t sell any synthetic products. We believe natural plants are the way to go.

Try our premium buds

Order now and get discreet delivery of CBD/CBG direct to your location.

Enjoy farm-to-home produce.

Enjoy the experience.

Contact us to create your special THC order.